Early marriages for teenagers can affect mental health, such as anxiety and stress in women. It's because of the emotional maturity of a teenager who's still developing. There needs to be psychotherapy, which includes health knowledge, life skills training, and empowerment. Psycho-education is an attempt to promote health through knowledge and skills. A film is a health promotion medium that influences those who watch it. Objective: Analyzing the effectiveness of early marriage-based psycho-educational health promotion media on the mental health of teenage girls. Methods: This study uses a quantum-experimental design. The study population consisted of 76 teenage girls. The sample in this study was 42 teenage girls aged 13–16. Sampling techniques use purposive sampling. A measure of the Mental Health Inventory questionnaire. The research was conducted between October 2023 and February 2024. Data analysis using SPSS 16 with paired t tests and independent t tests The research has also obtained ethical approval from the ethical committee of the Brahmanda Lentera Chakra Institute under ethical number No. 117/011/VIII/EC/KEP/LCBL/2023.Results: Analisis Paired t test didapatkan hasil 0,000 (<0,05). t independent test nilai rata-rata hasil post test kelompok intervensi yang diberi film sebesar 44,71 dan kelompok post test yang diberi leaflet sebesar 39,09 lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata nilai post test kelompok intervensi yang diberi film. There are significant differences between the intervention groups given psycho-educational films and the groups given leaflet education. There are differences in the average values before and after the film intervention, and there is a difference between the average intervention group and the control group.
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